Sears extended warranty means extending the pain (4-29-8)
You buy a riding lawnmower with a good review form customers who have purchased before. The thing runs like a champ for one year of near daily use then the engine goes out (April 3rd). No big deal, it is under warranty and you have done the maintenance as the handbook outlines.
Then the fun begins.
You call the San Antonio Central Service for Sears and play the game, going through the voice prompts for 1.5 minutes each time. Sometimes you get to a person, sometimes you get put on hold and sometimes you are dropped. Oh yeah you have a person, but they do not have a brain, they cannot answer the simplest questions without an extended hold time. Then the return and still cannot answer the questions. You assumption may be you are asking the questions in a complicated manner so you re-word you question so it could be understood by a 9 year old. They still do not get it, you hold some more.
That is life while trying to get your warranty work done with Sears. The product I bought was good, and the technician who came out and will ultimately do the work is great. The customer service to try and get it all worked out is run by drunk monkeys. If you are thinking about talking to customer service at Sears, do your homework. Run you request by your toddler and see if they understand, and then maybe, just maybe you have a chance of having the drunk monkey on the phone with you understand what you are saying.
Still waiting on the service work and hoping it happens pretty soon.
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